Why choose one?

  • Save money

    Powder Watts© saves on average $100-400 per month to the customer, depending on size of heat cable system.

  • Be in the Know

    Receive alerts for snow/ice accumulation, frayed wires and more. Stop ice dam damage before it happens.

  • Patent Protected

    Exclusive patented technology. We seek the safety of you and your family

  • Be in the know

    With our installation we will supervise any new or old heating cable installation.

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The founders of Powder Watts love snowy winters-but don’t love the excessive energy bills that come with heat tape usage to keep their homes safe from ice and snow damage.

While surrounded by gorgeous fresh powder in Park City, Utah they realized the potential of applying patented cutting–edge smart camera technologies to help solve this costly energy problem.

Our team has extensive experience in the innovation space and we would love to hear from talented people in all disciplines. If you share the love of bringing new technologies to the marketplace that are good for the world, we look forward to speaking with you!